Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Zappos Case Study- Free Solution On MyAssignment Help!

Question: Discuss about the Zappos Case Study ? Answer: Introduction SCM means supply chain management is actually a process of coordinating integrating and over the sighting of materials and finances move in a process from the supplier manufacturer wholesaler and at last to the consumers (Weele, 2015). Implementation of this system can benefit an online retail company like Zappos in the whole process of procuring of items to delivering of those to the customers. CRM and why Zappos would benefit from the implementation of a CRM system CRM means customer relationship management used to manage and analyze customer interactions and data with the goal of improving business relationship with customers. Zappos make incredible success due to good customer relationship so as it is growing so its customer base is also increasing thats why its need to implement CRM to maintain this relationship. Why Zappos would need to implement SCM, CRM, and ERP for a connected corporation SCM supply chain management is a management system used to control supply distributions. CRM customer relationship management is used to maintain good relation with customers. ERP enterprise resource planning used to plan different resource allocation (Govil, Proth, 2002). All these tools needed to manage big organizations as Zappos is growing so its need to implement it for smooths functioning of its activities. The merger between Zappos and Amazon and assess potential issues for Zappos customers Merging of Amazon with Zappos is great as Zappos can able to use the huge warehouse, supply chain and customer base of Amazon. Only potential issues to the customers are the quality of service offered by Zappos though it gets merged the service and culture of Zappos must be maintained like earlier. Plan for how Zappos can use Amazons supply chain to increase sales and customer satisfaction Amazon is a larger organization than Zappos having good supply-chain warehousing facilities and larger customer base. After the merging Zappos must use this facility and increase their sales and customer satisfaction. References Govil, M., Proth, J. (2002).Supply chain design and management. San Diego: Academic Press. Weele, A. (2015).Purchasing supply chain management. Australia: Cengage Learning.

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